Thursday 25 September 2014

Significant Insight from the Significant Other - Even more travel tidbits...

Street food is always the best...

I live by the above statement. Morocco proved me very wrong. I find it very hard to walk past any street stall selling some kind of treat, especially when I have no idea what it is. From our rooftop in Fez I had been watching a constant flow of customers for 15 minutes buying what ever was being sold from a large silver dish on top of a small trolley. I quickly convinced Brim to run downstairs and procure us a piece. What returned was some sort of yellow, flan-ish looking thing that had been doused in cumin and chilli - looking good so far. The taste however was revolting. It was some sort of chickpea custard stuff that had a very bland, cardboard flavour and the texture was of smooth spew. Fez officially rained on my parade.

Cheapskate Travel Tip #521

On entering a shared bathroom where we were staying in Tallinn, I was annoyed to see that the hand soap had been moved from the sink to the shower, meaning I had to enter the wet area so I could wash my hands. I was ready to return to our room and have a vent to Brim about this cheap bastard who couldn't use his own soap and made my life difficult, when I noticed a familiar face wash still in the shower. Brim looked at me sheepishly when I returned with the indisputable evidence. Of course it was my husband who was the cheap bastard!

Don't try to ask for eyebrow dye in Croatia...

You look like a dick when you try to communicate this with sign language and then they look at you like a crazy because why would any Croatian woman ever need that!

Icelandic Full Moon

Our preferred method of bathing in Iceland was thermal pools. Well, given we were wild camping it was our only method of bathing! Nearing the end of our time our bathers weren't drying, inhibitions were at an all time low given the lack of actual toilets, we'd been in the same clothes for a week, we were continuously cold.... This all leads to the decision of going into a small thermal pool nude for Brim and me in my nickers (because then I can wash them at the same time - this is what travelling does to you). At the time we were the only ones there and really in the middle of nowhere (read directions here!). Brim's job was to look out over the hill in case anyone started to walk over so that we could quickly cover up. It goes without saying that of course Brim saw nothing and before long two groups of people rocked up. I think the Americans that joined us were a little shocked when it was time for us to leave and we had to climb up the rocks next to them to get out!

A First for Everything!

I suck at directions... I could get lost in a bathroom, struggle finding my bearings on maps and generally don't know which way is north. Brim can often be heard saying something along the lines of 'just leave the directions to me Nix!'. In Ohrid in Macedonia however I had a small (read GIANT) win. Wanting to make our way down to the water, Brim directed us to a busy main road instead. I explained that we had to have walked in the wrong direction because we were staying pretty much exactly between the two. A short response of 'no offence but I'm not taking directions from you' quickly put me in my place. Brim kept wandering us around, ignoring my factual evidence explaining why, in this one specific case, I was correct. Eventually he grew tired of listening to me and yelled in a huff that I could take over the directions then. I had us at the water in a few minutes. Needless to say poor Brim's ego was badly bruised and conversation at dinner did not flow!!!