Thursday 4 September 2014

Kaş, it's Turtley Awesome!!

I'd planned to go diving in Kaş to possibly, if I was lucky enough, swim with turtles. The mums and dads this time though, not the little dudes (link).

However, on our first evening in Kaş we walked down to a little public beach a couple of minutes walk from our accommodation and within ten minutes of being in the water a turtle popped its head out about ten metres from us and then another in about the same area. I quickly chucked my mask on and started a routine that continued for the following few days with Nix spotting from shore and me flapping about trying to find one of the ocean's most majestic creatures.

In total I swam with about seven and we spotted quite a few more. The best experience I had in the water was swimming with a big mumma while she mimicked my movements as I swam around and moved in for a closer look a couple of times before pulling off at the last second with her little fish pal in tow. Privileged is the word that I'm looking for.

No photo evidence, only a few snaps of the beautiful deep blue waters that we swam in for those handful of days.

After Kaş we moved on to dusty little Kabak. Do I need to say anything else other than we woke up to this view from our balcony each morning?

Post title naming rights go to this lady, avid UBanker, tipper extraordinaire and all round pain in my arse best mother in law ever.