Thursday 29 May 2014

Takk, Iceland... Day 5

The morning started with a stop at Lagarfljot and getting up close and personal with Lagarfljotsormurinn (Iceland's Loch Ness).

After that we then headed out to Neskaupstadur driving up over the mountain pass through yet again more snow but with some of the most beautiful scenery that we've ever seen as reward.

We backtracked through Reydarfjordur before spending the next few hours snaking our way along the beautiful eastern fjords.

We dropped in to Djupivogur to check out these sculptures that were created by an Icelandic artist and are based on the eggs of birds in the region.  Very sneakily the lundi (puffin) egg is the last one that you come to.

Then next stop was the Almannakard mountain pass for hopeful views out over the icy vastness of Vatnajokull but an impromptu stop along the way allowed us to watch this guy spy on us for a while.

A couple more impromptu stops were required to take in some more of the astonishing beauty that just goes on and on before we headed up Almannakard.

Our priority then became somewhere to stop for the night.  Not before a quick hot dog stop in Hofn though.

A few minutes down the road we pulled in near one of the glacial tongues of Vatnajokull to a pretty magical spot.  It's not every night that you can sleep near a glacier right?

With birds cleaning themselves in the creek in front of us, horses grazing in the field behind us and a herd of deer in the distance, that night's stop turned out to be one of our best.  The Icelandic camper vanning thing was working out pretty well for us.

Click here for day 6.